O.k I need to update my workouts so here goes
18/1/2012 Bodyweight Workout
10 pushups
2 pullups (palms facing)
8 pushups
2 pullups
6 pushups
2 pullups
4 pushups
2 pullups
Ab Wheel 2x5
Offset pushup L5 R5
2 pullups
Decline push up x 10
2 pullups
Decline pushup x10
2 pullup
Ab Wheel 2x5
10secs fast puhups x4
2 pullups
30 secs plank x2
Drop pushups x5
2 pullups
Hand step ups 30 secs
This took forever, i'm going to adopt a EDT approach to bodyweight training in the forthcomin weeks and see how that goes.
1000 kb swings 16kg kettlebell
One handed, transfer every ten reps
Time: 27:32:70
16kg press 2,3,5,10 Alternating arms
HR Walk
Time 37:22
Walked the pooch.
Bar push up x10
Hindu pushups 5 x10
Texas Pushup 1-5
Bar pushups x10
Pullups (palms facing)
Bar pushups x 10 Wide pushups x10 Diamondx10 Elbows in x10 Hindu x10
Pullups 1,1,1,2,2
Deep pushusp x8
I use this type of equipment for my bar pushups, you get a bit of a stretch and easier on the wrists.
Skipping Warm up
200 swings 24kg hand transfer every 10 reps
Time 5:35:17
24kg press 5x5
Side Bend 24kg l20 r 20
Semi fasted walk
Time 18:21
5 minutes of skipping practice
40kg x5 65kgx5
90kg 2x5 1x9
3 minutes between work sets
Chins (palms away)
4,4 then band assited x6
3 minutes between work sets
A1 Ez curl 20kg
A2 Tricep Pushdown ( weights where off on this started at 20 was to light had to go up to 30kg, binning this)
3x8 of above 1 minute between supersets
5 minute EDT
12.5kg dumbells
Renegade row x6 5 sets
Alteranting press x6 5 sets
5kg barbell wrist curl forwards and back L20 R20 L20 R20
Going heavy on the curls next time, fuck the triceps, loved the EDT pairing keeping that. I also liked the wrist curls need to up the weight and find a bench to do them on.
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